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"Imputed?" – a comments column, marking two experimental days in which observations were not obtained for a set of cages. (Number on the dark side could not be observed directly.) Number of flies observed on the light side of the cage. Records observation day, with Day 1 being ~24 hours after flies were placed in the cage. Each cage is assigned a unique ID number. Flies were counted once per day, for six days per cage. A04 = Drosophila americana (dark pigment).

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A00 = Drosophila americana (dark pigment).A01 = Drosophila americana (moderate pigment).N14 = Drosophila novamexicana (light pigment).Differences across experiments include year, season, identity of the researcher, whether the data were collected at a student's home (during the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic – marked "home") - and which lines and sexes were included. "Experiment" – character variable – unique name given to each round of experiments. Additional replication is needed to corroborate these findings and evaluate conflicting results, with the consistent effect of sex within and between species providing an especially intriguing avenue for further research. Finally, across all four lines, females were found more often in the light habitat than their more darkly-pigmented male counterparts. americana, thus providing partial support for our hypothesis. americana, A01, was found substantially and significantly more often in the light habitat than the two darker lines of D. novamexicana-N14, in contrast to our predictions. americana (A04) was found in the light habitat more often than the light-bodied D. A second experiment, which included additional lines and females as well as males, failed to find any significant difference between D. novamexicana was found slightly but significantly more often than D. In a first set of experiments, using males of D. We hypothesized that lighter pigmentation would be correlated with a greater preference for environmental light, and tested this hypothesis using a habitat choice experiment. novamexicana, which differ in pigmentation in part because of evolution at ebony and tan, and occupy environments that differ in many variables including solar radiation. Here we investigate differences in light preference within and between two sister species, Drosophila americana and D. In Drosophila, the pigmentation genes ebony and tan have pleiotropic effects on flies' response to light, creating the potential for correlated evolution of pigmentation and vision. Pigmentation in insects presents a variable, adaptive, and well-characterized class of phenotypes for which correlations with multiple other traits have been demonstrated. Environmental adaptation and species divergence often involve suites of co-evolving traits.

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